Škoda Fabia R2 Evo

Škoda Fabia R2 last EVO

This is the last vehicle number 26 produced.

Engine : 980 km/2 000 Km (Vančík Motorsport(
Gearbox : 0 km after revision ( mechanic of Škoda Motorsport )
Suspention : 0 km after revision ( Reiger – Šašek )
Drive shafts : 0 km ( NEW Sadev )
Clutch: 0 km ( complet with flywheel – AP Racing )
Stearing rack : 0 km (after revison)
Seats : Atech to 2026
Belts: Atech do 2026
Intercom : DG 10 Stilo

Vehicle after a complete revision, newly painted parts and parts of the body, complete replacement of all bearings and unibals with new, new brake plates, discs, radiators and other things. Vehicle ready to race. The price of the vehicle includes a light ramp, 10 spare wheels Speedline/Braid, body parts, used driveshafts etc.....

If you are interested, you can buy for extra money: new parts: front arms, front crossmember, front uprights, wishbone arms, oil coolers, next wheels Speedline, final drive wheel to gearbox, and many other parts


Vlastimil   tel:+420603562302
2025-01-29 14:20:18

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